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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Les Ardoises, my next novella, comes out on July 21st in Silver Publishing's "Men in Uniform" series.

Félicien works as a waiter at Les Ardoises, a café-bistro in Villefranche-sur-Mer on the French Riviera. When his girlfriend leaves for a two-week visit with her family, he hooks up with Joel, an American in France for a business conference. Félicien has swung that way before and, secure about his sexual identity, thinks he doesn’t risk getting involved with a man as he might with a woman.
As it turns out, Joel will be in town more than just a day or two. He wants more than a one-night stand, and Félicien isn’t one to pass up a couple of days on a yacht with the handsome and sexually talented American. Before long, they’ve been seen together often enough for people to wonder if they’re in a relationship, and Félicien finds himself questioning who he is and what he wants from life.